Yoga Styles

YIN YOGA -Yin yoga offers longer-held, slow-paced poses that strengthen and open joints and connective tissues while stimulating energy meridians in the body. Some of the benefits of yin yoga include calming and balancing the mind and body, regulating energy, and increasing mobility.

RESTORATIVE YOGA – Restorative yoga involves using props and longer held poses to allow for maximum release and relaxation. This class contains passive backbends, forward folds, twists, and inversions that reverse the effects of gravity. Notable benefits of restorative yoga include mood enhancement and reductions in insomnia and fatigue.

SOUND-INFUSED NIDRA – Nidra is a conscious deep yogic sleep that promotes relaxation, enhances creativity, improves concentration and focus, and helps refresh your mind. The benefits of Nidra are many, but include relief of stress-related disorders, insomnia, trauma, and anxiety. During Nidra, the body and mind are fully relaxed. You lay comfortably on a yoga mat while you are guided through the experience. Additionally, this Nidra incorporates the healing sounds and vibrations of singing bowls. Since you won’t be moving, dress so you are warm and comfortable in non-restrictive clothing. Feel free to bring your own blankets (though clean props are provided).

SLOW FLOW YOGA COMBO – Sometimes you need a little bit of everything – gentle movements combined with stretching, rolling, or deep relaxation – to reset your body and mind. Slow flow yoga combo classes will integrate gentle slow flow vinyasa with yin, restorative, or block & roll (myofascial release) movements to give you a creative and diverse practice that will leave you refreshed. All classes are suitable for beginners with the fantastic benefit of stress reduction to the max!

GENTLE VINYASA – Vinyasa allows your body to move into a variety of postures helping you connect with your breath. Many postures have variations and modifications to make them accessible to you and your skill level. Pranayama (breath), mindfulness, and meditation are a part of this style. The pace may range between slow to moderate. The benefits include connecting your mind and body, and increasing strength and balance.

BLOCK & ROLL – Using cork blocks, foam blocks, and tennis balls, block and roll helps you release tension, stress, and “gunk” from the hard-to-reach areas of your body. With instruction, you work through areas of your body to help you achieve myofascial release with breath. The benefits are many but include decompressing tissues and impinged nerves, improving circulation and digestion, increasing body fluidity/ flexibility and bone health/vascularity, releasing overly tight muscles/tendons, realigns joints, improves stability, reduces imbalance, strengthens pelvic girdle, releases emotional/mental tension and relieves stress.